Thursday, October 16, 2014

Inktober Week 2

This week I managed to complete 5 mini ink paintings. Which is pretty good considering that I did nothing Thursday and Friday and then spent Thanksgiving weekend relaxing at my cabin. I did however get lots of painting done in that relaxing time.
Two of these fun inks were drawn by Sebastian and both of them are alien themed! The first is an alien leaving earth. He is fed up with humans and their stupidity. The second is an alien visit during a magic mushroom experience. I don't know where he gets these ideas but I really enjoy bringing his drawings to life.  
All of these paintings are available in my Etsy shop!
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone! 
The cabin weather was pretty decent and I spent some quality time with Squeeker, my favorite squirrel! We made sure he was stocked up on nuts for the winter and Sebastian had a little photo shoot with him on his favorite branch, looking his cutest! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Week One of Inktober

I started of Inktober with the best of intentions of completing one small ink piece every single day. I have not quite been able to keep up and the stress is starting to effect me. My new goal is to complete as many as possible by the 31st. I managed to complete 6 paintings as of Wednesday and although I have 3 in progress I have not completed one since. I have been experimenting with my coloured inks and my brand new white ink, which is a lot of fun!

 Thanksgiving weekend means I get 2 days off in a row so after teaching on Saturday I am off to my cabin for one last vacation till next spring! This will be the last 2 days in a row that I get till Christmas so I intend on relaxing my aching body and hopefully catching up on some new ink paintings!
I also have some other paintings that are almost completed which I am hoping to tackle as well. I have, as per usual, overloaded myself with projects which means that nothing gets done in a timely manner.

All of these mini ink paintings are available in my Etsy shop and are super cheap!
If you are thinking ahead to the holidays they might make for fun little gifts! I am off to my Cabin!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mini Inks

So I have decided to participate in #Inktober. The idea is that you create an ink drawing/illustration for everyday of October. Someone created it a few years ago as a personal challenge and the past few years it has become an art community event! I am already drowning in projects but I am going to put a few aside for this month and see what happens.
I have no particular theme for this series although dance and or Halloween are nice easy ones for me to follow! 
Each ink painting will be 4" by 5" on thick watercolour board and I am selling them in my shop for just $20 each. So if you want some cute affordable art be sure to check it out throughout the month!
These two Grishko pointe shoe paintings count for October 1st and 2nd! :)